What You Need to Know About the New Facebook Timeline
Tweet Last week, Facebook gave its social network a noticeable facelift with the new Timeline profile pages. The old, familiar “Wall” is gone and has been replaced with a look that is more creative and interesting to look at. Friends are able to look at any activity, photo, video, status update that is added to […]
New Facebook Subscribe Button for Your Website
Tweet Facebook has brought website owners another great way to reach out to their readers that makes it easy to share and discover new content. The new Subscribe button from Facebook makes it possible for any website to have a strong following and readership. In the past, Facebook was only for two-sided connections between mutual […]
Reach the Most Fans by Timing Your Facebook Posts
Tweet Most business owners that are using Facebook focus on what they are going to say in their updates, but they don’t put much thought into when to post them. Timing your Facebook posts can affect the number of fans who actually read and respond to your well-planned posts. Knowing when and how often to […]
The Four Best Facebook Apps to Boost Fan Communication
Tweet Facebook has a daunting number of applications for us to use- more than 100,000. That is a pretty overwhelming number to be faced with when you need to search through them. This can make finding the best Facebook apps to boost fan communication seem impossible. For any business, increasing the communication between your company […]
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