New Facebook Subscribe Button for Your Website : Social Media Virtual Assistant – Be Social Worldwide

New Facebook Subscribe Button for Your Website

Filed Under Social Marketing

Facebook has brought website owners another great way to reach out to their readers that makes it easy to share and discover new content. The new Subscribe button from Facebook makes it possible for any website to have a strong following and readership.

In the past, Facebook was only for two-sided connections between mutual friends. Now, the social network has created a way for a single-sided connection. The Subscribe feature on Facebook works similarly to Google Plus and Twitter. Users can track the public updates of anyone’s feed that they subscribe to without having to add that person as a friend. With this, users do not have to be approved by the other person to view posts.

With the newly updated Subscribe button, website owners can enable readers to subscribe to his or her Facebook News Feed simply by clicking the button. Users will then be able to keep up with any new posts added on Facebook by the people they are subscribed to. This is a great step up from the Facebook commenting system that website owners could add to their site. With that feature, one needed a high number of comment posters in order to get more subscribers.

The Subscribe button is a lot like the Like button, in that it allows readers to choose what content will be seen on their Facebook feed. Clicking the “Like” button on a website will bookmark the page on a person’s social networking profile. With the Subscribe button, the author’s public posts will appear in each subscriber’s Facebook feed.

It is easy to add the Facebook Subscribe button to your own website. It can be done with an Extended Facebook Markup Language code, and iframe, or an HTML5-compliant markup. There is a reference guide on Facebook that will give you additional information about the functionality of the button and the different layout styles.

There are already a lot of well-known websites which have incorporated the Subscribe button to their pages for authors and contributors, such as the Washington Post and Time.

While there is no distinction between posts that are intended for subscribers and those that are only meant for friends, there is an important advantage that comes with the Facebook Subscribe button over Google Circles and Twitter follows. That is, that simply subscribing to your feed will be posted on a person’s News Feed. This can result in many more subscribers for your website simply because your subscribers’ friends will see that they have chosen to follow you.

Being able to snag Facebook subscribers right from your own website gives you a real edge. You will be able to reach a broader audience through each subscriber as well as hold onto your current fans by maintaining a link with them through your public posts. This added feature on Facebook has given users what was once only available through Twitter- one-way social connectivity.

Have you started subscribing to others with the help of the new Facebook Subscribe button? Will you be adding it to your own website or blog? Have you seen a boost in your readership since you added the Subscribe button? Share with us!



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