Social Networking Doesn’t Replace SEO

Tweet Social networking, your participation in the many social networking sites online today or maybe just your favorite ones is a powerful tool for your business, but the truth is it isn’t the only tool that you should be using.  In other words, it isn’t the end all be all, it will not replace other […]

Are You Listening to Your Network?

Tweet As an online business owner, a blog is a valuable tool to have for your business.  However, as the blog owner, especially for a business blog, you cannot just put the blog up, post on whatever you feel like posting on and think things will be a bed of roses and that people will […]

What is your Social Proof?

Tweet What is Social Proof?  Basically, social proof is also referred to as social influence.  Examples of this can be seen when individuals are unable to make a decision, and they follow the behavior of others around them that they think to be more knowledgeable about the situation.   To make it a little easier to […]

Retweet icate

Tweet Do you know how to retweet properly?  There are several people who do not; they are sometimes referred to as a retweet thief.  If you are not familiar with Twitter, you may be wondering what retweeting is.  A tweet is a statement or thought that you post on Twitter.  Retweeting is when you repeat […]

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