5 Steps for Managing Facebook Comment Overkill
Tweet It is an undeniable fact that we are social creatures and social networks like Facebook make it even easier for us to interact with one another. Facebook has become such the social media hub that, according to data released in December 2011 by Comscore, three out of four minutes spent on social networking sites […]
Three Facebook Metrics for Business Marketing
Tweet With over 800 million users, Facebook is the largest online social network. Every day, enormous amounts of information are collected about each active user. This allows Page owners to gain insight into their fans and discover what needs to be done in order to offer them a better experience, which will help improve marketing […]
Tips for Boosting Your Fan Base with Facebook Insights
Tweet You know that it is important to measure your results with social media marketing in order to get the most out of your efforts. Luckily, Facebook has made it even easier to do just that! Some new metrics, called Facebook Insights, have recently been introduced on the social network in order to give you […]
10 Plugins for Adding Facebook Functionality to Your Webpage
Tweet In today’s online world, it is important to turn your website into a social hub in order to grow your business. Facebook provides a variety of free plugins that will enable you to integrate the social network into your website quickly and easily. Research has shown that integrating Facebook will boost traffic to your […]
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