Socialize Your Pet Online?

Tweet We may have thought that they had thought of everything online.  But, maybe think again.  There is now a site for socializing your pet online.’s purpose is to socialize your pet online.  I have even heard there are pets with Twitter accounts.  Are we taking social media too far?  Seems to me like […]

The New Facebook Look

Tweet Facebook it seems it is in constant change to some people’s joy and other people’s terror.  The truth is the web is ever changing and the folks at Facebook are just trying to keep up.  Facebook looks a lot like a “Twitter” stream now. Many say that they are trying to be more like […]

How to Deal with Social Media Conflict

Tweet We are all social beings, some of us mind you are a little more “social” than others, while some of us would prefer the life of the “wallflower”.  Either way, if you are going to be involved in social media you will have to learn how to handle the issues that come along with […]

Social Media and Niche Marketing

Tweet While using social media can be a huge melting pot of things, it can also be a great way to target your “niche” market.  Your niche is your very specific group of people that you are targeting with your business.  An example of a niche is “stay at home moms looking for ways to […]

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