5 Ways to Increase Your Visibility on Google+

Tweet Why did you join Google+? Was it because it was a new social media platform to add to your marketing plan, or just because everyone else was encouraging businesses to join? After all, it’s a social network with the “Google” name on it. That has to carry some weight, right? Whatever your reasons for […]

5 Powerful Ways to Use LinkedIn for Your Business

Tweet LinkedIn isn’t just a place where avid job-seekers can find a new company to work for and network with one another. But being a connection between companies who need to fill positions and potential new hires isn’t the only way LinkedIn can help your business. There are more than 259 million members of the […]

3 Steps for Effective Instagram Marketing

Tweet Instagram is increasing in popularity among brands as a powerful social marketing tool. People today enjoy being visually stimulated, which makes a social network that is solely based on image sharing so effective. When you use social media to share images that relate to your business, you will forge stronger relationships with your current […]

How to Get Bloggers Talking About Your Brand

Tweet These days, word-of-mouth carries a lot more weight with consumers than traditional advertising. According to a Nielsen survey, only 53% of people trust content that a business posts on its blog and website while 92% trust recommendations that come from their peers. For small businesses, that means connecting with community influencers is essential for […]

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