Do You Need Some Guidance on Using LinkedIN?
Filed Under networking
LinkedIn, it’s the Facebook for business owners, but many business owners, maybe you, struggle with using it to its fullest potential. Struggle no longer. We are offering to help, with one-on-one guidance, guiding you step-by-step through the process of using LinkedIn for business.
Join us for a teleseminar “LinkedIn Strategies for You”.
Here’s a small portion of what you’ll discover during the LinkedIn Strategies for You Teleseminar
- What’s missing from your profile, so that people will find you and want to connect
- How to advantage of Groups within LinkedIn to expand your network
- Way to expose your business and events within LinkedIn
This teleseminar will include…
- LinkedIn Profile are top priority
- Utilizing Groups for connections and information
- Listing your Events and Business within LinkedIn
- Using Answsers
- Bonus Tips and Information
So come join me for this Free teleseminar “LinkedIn Strategies for You” and learn about how you can utilize LinkedIn to benefit your business reach.
Wednesday November 18, 2009 at 12:30 pm CST/1:30 pm EST