Difference Between a Facebook Fan Page and a Facebook Group
Filed Under networking
Facebook has many awesome features, yet some of them can be a bit confusing. Fan pages versus groups for instance, really what is the difference, and how should they be properly used? Let’s explore the possibilities. You can truly utilize both to your advantage.
A Facebook fan page is publically visible and searchable, therefore it can be indexed by Google. It allows you to create a profile much like your personal profile about your business, a specific product or whatever you choose. It allows you to pull your RSS feed from your blog right onto the page. You can communicate easily with your fans via a mass update. This is a great way to stay activiely involved with your fans.
On the other hand a Facebook group is private, in order to join a person must be a member of Facebook. You can make your group as public on Facebook or as private as you like even making it necessary to invite those whom you wish to have as a part of the group. If you do make the group public on Facebook your members can then invite others to the group. The groups also allow you to create events and send out invitations to them.
The Facebook fan pages and groups share the following features:
- Video and Photo posting
- Wall posting
- Discussion Board
- Logo addition
Whichever you choose to use both can be great tools for business. Utlitizing them both is also a great option!