Utilizing Event Listings for Your Seminars
Filed Under teleseminar
Many of us are hosting our own seminars, whether they be live, via teleseminar or webinar, these seminars are popular for businesses. However, are you taking advantage of the event listings that are available via social media. Most social media sites including Facebook & Linked In allow you to list your events along with your profile or page. This gives you just another way to spread the word about your event and have people put it on their calendars.
Plus, it will be archived and used by the search engines to find you later. That’s a win-win if you ask me. So, the next time you host an event be sure to take advantage of the event listings in your different social networking sites. You will never know who might find you and your event as a result.
Are you looking for more assistance with your social media marketing? Check out my social networking services.
photo credit: sxc