To Pin or Not to Pin: Questions to Ask Before Adding to Your Boards : Social Media Virtual Assistant – Be Social Worldwide

To Pin or Not to Pin: Questions to Ask Before Adding to Your Boards

Filed Under Social Marketing


It is so easy today to add new images and videos to your Pinterest boards. Most pages on the Web now have the “Pin It!” button so you can quickly share what you find. But if you want to maintain a certain image for your brand, you cannot be pinning everything you see.

Everything you add to your Pinterest boards should meet a certain set of criteria. When you ask yourself these six questions, you will make sure that you are pinning only those things that are going to benefit your board followers and your brand.

Does it send a brand-right message to your audience?

If you are a home decorator, then you probably don’t need to feature a lot of images of funny cat pictures. Your followers are looking for decorating tips, trends and ideas so make sure that is just what they are getting from your boards. Whatever you pin needs to help create a better picture of what your brand is for your audience.

Is it appropriate?

Pinterest has set guidelines on what is considered objectionable content. This includes nudity, porn, hateful speech and symbols, graphic violence or attacks on people and spam. You do not want to alienate members of your audience because of some questionable pins. Also, make sure that anything you pin does not violate your or another person’s privacy.

Is it something people will enjoy?

Pictures that are funny, visually stunning, cute or interesting are more likely to draw in an audience. You want to reach out to people through your boards and show them what your brand is all about. If they like what they see, they are more likely to click on your bio and visit your website.

Does is tell a story?

You can use your Pinterest boards to tell a story to your audience, to send a message. Some images can work as an emotional connection with your audience. Try finding images that match a word or idea or message that you want to express.

Do your boards have a good mix?

You don’t want to have simple and boring boards that are full of your products or brand. There should be a good mix of content that will keep your audience visiting your boards. You want content that will inspire them and content that will educate them. Pin instructions on how to do something that relates to your business. If you are a florist, for instance, you could pin instructions for arranging a Thanksgiving centerpiece.

While you want to use Pinterest to grow your brand, you do not want to use it to shove your business and products in the faces of your followers.

Is it the right size?

You want to make sure that the images you pin are the right size for Pinterest. The horizontal width is just 735 pixels. Anything over that will be resized automatically, which can leave you with only a partial image. That can mean a less powerful image for others to see and then your message gets lost. You also don’t want to have images that are too small because they won’t be as impactful.

Are you making sure that all of the content you pin meets all of these criteria?


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