Suggestions for Using Article Marketing together with Social Networking : Social Media Virtual Assistant – Be Social Worldwide

Suggestions for Using Article Marketing together with Social Networking

Filed Under Social Marketing, social media

Article marketing and social networking go hand in hand when you use them in the proper ways. When you use them correctly you’ll find your business will grow and flourish. If you don’t use them correctly you’ll find it could be damaging to your business. When you’re using these two together there are steps you need to follow so you can make sure they work in the right way together.

The first thing you need to do is use social networking to come up with ideas for your articles. There are several ways you can use social networking sites in this way. One way is to monitor what your market/followers post on these sites. What they need, want, or ask about make for good articles. Another way is to ask your market/followers what they’d like to see you write about. One last way is to search for topics that surround keywords you use often when you write.

When you have your articles completed you need to post them to article directories. Some article directories give you the ability to set it up to where your articles will automatically post once their approved while others don’t. When you submit to a directory that doesn’t offer that service, it’s important to post your article on the networking site yourself. The more places you submit it the more exposure you’ll have.

It’s also a good idea to post your articles on your blog so others know you were the one that wrote it originally. It’s not a bad idea to have your blog post to your social networking sites automatically, but if you don’t it’s important to make sure you post it manually. If you use WordPress you’ll find a plugin that will help you do this automatically. If you don’t, you should search for a site that will help you make this happen.

Article marketing is the perfect way for show your market you’re an expert in your field. When you add social networking to article marketing you’ll find you’ll have more readers and you’ll build a larger list of followers. When this happens you’ll begin to see more traffic to your site and your business will grow.


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