I Promise . . . : Social Media Virtual Assistant – Be Social Worldwide

I Promise . . .

Filed Under BeSocialWorld

Do you promise things to your clients and or customers, but never follow through, just as in relationships in your personal life it is important to keep your promises in those “business” relationships that you have as well.

Every person has bought at least one product that didn’t do what the advertising said that it did. That’s what we get for watching late night infomercials. If you want your online business to be around in three years, build relationships through integrity.

Integrity . . .It’s a word that some business owners know nothing about unfortunately. They would promote any product or service to get a quick buck. What happens after the customer pays their money is immaterial to them. Their websites pop up one week and disappear when the heat gets to be too much, only to resurface under another name.

There is a reason for that. They know what people are looking for, but instead of trying to provide it, they exploit it for the money.

Integrity in business means keeping your promise. It may not seem like it, but readers scrutinize website businesses. It could be because there is no physical body to put with the company that the eyes watch a little closer. The result is the same though: if you don’t come through you will lose readers and sales.

One area where readers learn to mistrust is use of their personal information. If they opt-in for an email newsletter, don’t sell their names to mailing lists and by all means, don’t spam them. This is not the way to get what you want from your readers.

Test, Test, Test

Are you selling products on your website? There are a lot of variables with that especially if it is a physical product. Before you offer a new product, always test market to see if it is going to garner a demand. No market means… no money.

With digital products testing comes in the form of knowing that the advice inside will work for the person buying it. If you sell an eBook about how to set up your own affiliate program in one day (example only) then every customer should be able to duplicate your process.

The same goes with affiliate marketing. Only upsell affiliate products or services that you know are legitimate and deliver what is promised. What is the money going to help if your online reputation is shot?

Truthful Content

Before readers become customers, they will visit your site over and over. They are reading your content. Be sure that everything you write is truthful and unique. There is enough bad information floating around and you can’t build a relationship of trust on false information.

You don’t have to make big boasts to get readers to keep reading, just make good on what you do offer them. This builds a relationship of trust that can benefit you and your readers for years to come


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