How to Turn Facebook Fans into Brand Advocates : Social Media Virtual Assistant – Be Social Worldwide

How to Turn Facebook Fans into Brand Advocates

Filed Under Social Marketing

When you are using Facebook as a part of your social media marketing strategy, it is important to know how to turn a fan into a super fan. These “super fans” are known as brand advocates. Brand advocates can make a world of difference in your social networking efforts.

First, let’s look at what makes a fan a brand advocate:

Writes reviews about your business/ product

Writes testimonials

Discusses your brand online and off

Actively tries to promote your business/ products


Brand advocates are like regular fans, just of a higher caliber. While it’s important to build up your fan numbers, it is even more important to boost the number of brand advocates in your marketing arsenal.

Here are a few ways that you can turn your average face book fan into a brand-advocating super fan!

Encourage your fans any way you can.

Find various points of contact with your fans and customers- email, blog, website, customer service- and create new strategies for reaching out and communicating with them. Encourage them to be cheerleaders for your brand.

Give them the tools to make referrals.

Your fans and customers want to be able to do more for your business, so give them the means to take more action. Online, they can upload their email contact lists or post onto social media sites. Offline, they can hand out referral cards or brochures. Start an SMS message campaign that can be forwarded to friends, family and associates. These are all ways that can encourage and empower your fans to be advocates for your brand.

Show your appreciation.

When you see that your brand advocates are working hard to promote your business and products, say thanks! Show them how much you appreciate the things they do. Keep them updated on progress that’s being made. Reward them for their hard work. When your advocates know that you are taking what they do seriously and that their efforts are making a difference, they will be encouraged to do more and to bring in others to help.

Keep track of your advocates.

Use analytics to keep track of and manage the people who are working hard to push your brand. You will be able to see and measure the impact that is being made by your volunteer brand advocates. This will help you know exactly what is working and what can be improved.

When you have loyal fans and customers out there acting as advocates on your behalf, you will see greater results from your social media marketing. You will forge stronger relationships with people who genuinely care about your business and products.

Are you nurturing your fan relationships in order to gain more brand advocates? What do you do to encourage your fans to do more? Share with us!


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