How to Get Results from Facebook Ads
Filed Under Social Marketing
How to Get Results from Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads can be a great resource for pulling in potential new customers. Knowing the right way to make these ads convert can mean the difference between a wasted investment and a healthy and successful return. You have to be able to create an advertisement that catches attention and encourages a good number of people to click through and make a purchase. Without conversion, you are just spending money for nothing.
Let’s look at some ways that you can turn your advertising investment into real sales potential:
Know When the Time is Right
Like any form of advertising, it is crucial to know what your most ideal times are for getting your ads in front of potential customers. This boosts your chances of reaching your target audience and seeing positive results. For example, if you are a personal trainer, you may see more conversion right around New Year’s or in the spring when people are ready to get back in shape. There are tools you can use to schedule your ads for your peak days and times.
Run Conversion Tests
Through A/B testing, you can see which ads generate the most click-throughs. You will know if using certain images or wording evokes more of a response from potential customers over others. It is also important to measure how many of those clicks turn into sales.
Pick the Best Ad Type
Ads that include some form of social interaction do very well on Facebook, which shouldn’t be a surprise. Studies show that these types of ads do very well in conversion. Running a sponsored ad or story that users can see is liked by a friend, and then chances are that more people will click on the ad. These are also good for boosting brand recognition and increasing the number of “Likes” for Facebook pages.
Pay for What You Need
The guidelines for paying for Facebook ads are not straightforward. In general, they advise you to choose the highest bid for advertising. This, of course, is beneficial for Facebook since that puts more money in owners’ pockets. But it also ensures that users who pay more for clicks are getting the best value. These ads stay visible on user pages for longer, increasing the likelihood of being clicked on and followed through. If you aren’t seeing the desired results with a lower bid for your clicks, try increasing to the maximum amount and watch your results.
Stick the Landing (Page)
You can have a fantastic ad that gets clicks all day, but if your landing page doesn’t measure up to what the visitor expects it’s still a waste of time. If a user clicks on your ad with the intention of signing up for something or buying a product, they want to see exactly where to go once they land on your web page. Make sure that your visitors are landing on a page that is relevant to your ad instead of bombarding them with a lot of information. If your ad says “Sign Up Now” then make sure that’s just what they can do once they reach your site.
Take the time to tweak your ads from time to time. Even if you’re seeing great results, there is always room for improvement. Test your ads at different times of the day and night. Try an ad that encourages social interaction. Look at your conversion rates and make changes where they are needed.
Are you thinking about using Facebook ads for your business? Have you already tried but haven’t seen the expected results? Share with us!