Have You Seen It? : Social Media Virtual Assistant – Be Social Worldwide

Have You Seen It?

Filed Under microblogging

Have you seen it?  What you ask?  Twitter, it has got a new home page.  So many of us use twitter tools such as Tweetdeck or Twirl that we rarely login to Twitter via the web.  If you do though you’ll notice their snazzy new homepage.  It is featuring the most popular Twitter topics by the day, week or even down to the minute.  You can also “search” for topics right from the Twitter homepage. 

Twitter has definitely been paying attention to us and what we are using Twitter for.  They are making what we do so often even easier than before.  After all we all use Twitter for a variety of things and love to catch up on what’s popular through Twitter’s most popular search terms right?


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  • Dawn Pigoni, IVAA Member