Five Secrets Smart Marketers Know : Social Media Virtual Assistant – Be Social Worldwide

Five Secrets Smart Marketers Know

Filed Under BeSocialWorld, Social Marketing

By Scott Ginsberg

1.       Deliver small promises first. You need to build a timeline of credibility with your customers. Repeated, predictable action that they can count on. That’s what encourages them to buy over and over again. And while it might seem like a minor thing, here’s the equation: When you deliver small promises, you teach people to trust you in a big way. The key is to reinforce your delivery. I love using phrases like, “As per your request,” or “As promised,” right at the moment of delivery. This punches them in face with your reliability – in a friendly way. Are your actions predictable and congruent with your promises?

 2.       Establish instant credibility in this moment. Mention a piece of work you did with a competitor. Ask a question about a recent press release your customer published. Or, bring in a laptop with video testimonials of past clients who look exactly like the person you’re try to sell! Remember: Nobody wants to be the first person to trust you. Establishing credibility reinforces relevance, and relevance opens wallets. How credible do your prospects perceive you to be?

 3.       Find qualified check-writers. You’ve got your sales pitch ready. It’s funny, interesting, value-driven and has a great story. But if you’re sharing that with the wrong people, you may as well be winking in the dark. Here’s the secret: Find the economic buyer or find yourself broke. You still want to be cordial and respectful. Don’t use lower people just to get to somebody who can cut a check. The challenge is to create a filter so you know whom to approach that can get your paid. Are you telling a terrific story to the wrong person?

 4.       Offer a free estimate – don’t sell new brakes. One is a product – one is education. One is a commodity – one is cool. And one is a superficial sale – the other is a value added service. Which one would you rather buy? That’s what rockstar salespeople know: Customers have a hard time buying when they feel like they’re being sold. A good salesperson disappears. He doesn’t come off overly salesy because he’s too focused on giving value, educating and having fun. Does that describe your sales process?

 5.       Stop hurting customer brains. There’s a whole host of sloppy mistakes that make rejecting you easy. One of those is a lack of clarity, simplicity and directness of your messages. Customers are busy. They don’t want to have to think. Or figure things out. Or do unnecessary math. Or make endless choices. Stop creating riddles that take too long for impatient customers to solve. Next time you send an email, shoot a text message, leave a voicemail or have lunch with a prospect, remember that a confused mind never buys. Ever. How do you make it difficult for people to understand you?


Are selling or enabling people to buy?


For the list called, “8 Ways to Out Question the Competition,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free!

 Scott Ginsberg is the World Record Holder of Wearing Nametags. He’s the author of twelve books, an award-winning blogger, professional speaker and creator of He specializes in approachability, identity and execution, and for more info about books, speaking engagements, customized online training programs or to rent Scott’s brain for a one-on-one session, email


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