“Facebook for Business” Makes Marketing Much Simpler for Business Owners
Filed Under Social Marketing
Facebook has finally rounded up all of its helpful information for business marketers, social networking gurus and advertisers and made it easier to find in one place. The new “Facebook for Business” resource center has guides and instructions on how to use ads, Pages, Platform applications and Sponsored Stories. Business owners can learn more about Facebook’s business products with information that is simple to access and written in language that is easy understand.
With the new Google Plus still waiting to allow businesses into its network, Facebook has decided to take advantage and demonstrate its strength in business marketing tools that it has available. This includes the Facebook Platform, Guide to Facebook Ads, and Facebook Marketing Solutions.
Businesses can find a step-by-step guide on how to create a Page, getting fans, setting up a strategy and using Page Insights. One suggestion is to make a “conversation calendar” to keep track of what types of posts they can publish each day during the week.
Facebook’s Sponsored Stories is an underused tool, possibly because up until now most businesses weren’t really sure how it works. The section in the resource center explains it in a way that is easier to understand. Recent reports show that this ad unit is very efficient, so by showing marketers how to use it correctly Facebook hopes to increase its usage.
The Platform section of the resource center covers information about Page tab apps, social plugins, Facebook credits, Canvas apps, and mobile single-sign on. It directs users to the developer’s documentation, which may be a little much for most to understand.
Businesses have been told that pages on Google Plus won’t be available for at least a few more months. In an attempt to get their business out their anyway, some owners created pages for their company using personal profiles. Any of these profiles that Google finds are then deleted.
This lack of availability from Google Plus has business owners less-than-thrilled with the new social network, which is perhaps why Facebook has decided to take advantage. Launching the new Facebook for Business may help maintain its status as a marketing tool among businesses as well as encourage new businesses to utilize them as well.
What do you think of Facebook as a marketing tool? Is it still going strong? How helpful is the new resource center? Tell us what you think about Facebook when it comes to marketing your business!