Don’t Forget to Promote Your Business : Social Media Virtual Assistant – Be Social Worldwide

Don’t Forget to Promote Your Business

Filed Under BeSocialWorld

So, you enjoy social media, right, The tweeting, the blogging, the Facebooking, Stumbling posts, reading blogs, you name it and you enjoy it.  You have delved head first into the world of social media and you are not looking back, but are you truly using it for your best benefit.  Or, are you forgetting to and / or failing to promote your business along the way, instead, merely just “socializing”.  While socializing is one of the aspects of social media you should be embracing, there are others which are just as, if not more important especially if you’re using social media for business. 

The following are some ways that you can use social media to promote your business, quickly and easily:

Use it to announce your latest blog post. Tweet about it, post a link on Facebook.  That’s just a start but a great way to start!

Add links to your events. Whether you are doing an event online or off be sure to announce it and link to it on your social media sites.

Take time to talk business. While it goes without saying that you don’t want to be “ALL” business, there comes a time when talking business, or “talking shop” is perfectly ok and even necessary, so be sure to make time to do so.

Photo credit: LifeINLDN


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  • Dawn Pigoni, IVAA Member