How to Use Twitter Combined with LinkedIn for Prospecting
Tweet So you’ve got a small business, you’ve made up your marketing strategy and you’ve got your niche market. Everything is planned out and ready to go except, how to approach that niche market. Some thoughts might be going through your mind like, “I don’t want to be rejected by my niche group” or “I […]
4 Tips to Fail with Twitter
Tweet Twitter is one of the most valuable tools you can use to grow your business. Even the larger corporations are starting to use this tool to grow their business. While you’ll find this is the best way to grow, the only way it will happen is to use it correctly. SPAM is something people […]
Web Seminar Invitation: Is your website potent… or just pretty?
Tweet Is your website “just another pretty face”… Or is it actively getting people to register for your programs and buy your products? If you’re at the point in your business where you’re writing your own marketing, emails, website, and other promotional materials, it can be a HUGE undertaking. From figuring out what you need […]
The 3 Most Idiotic Marketing Mistakes You Can Make on Facebook
Tweet Facebook is an awesome social networking tool for your business, as long as you are using it the correct way. However, there are many people and businesses out there that aren’t using it right, so they aren’t getting to take advantage of all the perks of being on Facebook. If you’ve used Facebook at […]
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