8 Tips for Making Your Facebook Fan Page Rock!
Filed Under Social Marketing
For social media, Facebook Fan Pages can really enhance your business and catapult it into greatness. There are some awesome tools to use for your business and the added ability to connect with your audience.
Facebook enables you to broadcast messages, ignite conversations with customers, encourage valued feedback, and allow your customers to gather information about your business.
The following is a list that will help you to “rock” your Facebook Fan Page.
1.Don’t Mock your Twitter Strategy
Twitter is definitely a great platform for promotions and spreading the word, however, it is much different than Facebook, and they should be used in different ways. For instance, on Twitter, you tweet your information over and over again to make sure it gets out there. This isn’t what you’d want to do on Facebook. Usually, revealing the message once or twice a day is sufficient. Most likely, your fans on Facebook are connected with you on Twitter as well, so they will be seeing the same message there too. Also, Facebook doesn’t have a 140 character limit thereby allowing you to craft your messages differently and take full advantage of the entire space provided.
2.Don’t Just Use Text
Constantly sending out your messages in text form can get pretty boring, so try to avoid doing that every single time. There’s definitely other ways to get a little more creative than just typing. Facebook allows you to share information in many different forms, not just by a status update. You can post links, upload photos, upload videos and post questions. Just like keeping your blog updated, fresh and exciting, you can do the same with your Facebook page. Get creative folks!
3.You Share! They Share! Let Everyone Share!
Sometimes people make the mistake of not allowing their content to be shared. Why in the world would someone do that? If your account is set up this way, it makes Facebook rather pointless because you certainly want your content shared. You should also allow others to share their content about you or your business. For example, if a fan were to take a picture of them using your product or service, you would most definitely want them to post that to your fan page. That is fabulous promotion and you should allow it. If there happens to be something posted you do not like or approve of, you can always delete it.
Quick Tip: Go to “Wall Settings” and make sure everything is checked!
4.You’re Not Commenting Back?
Even though we are all very busy, it is imperative that you respond as much as possible! When your fans are sharing things on your fan page, even if all you can do is say “thanks!” please make sure you do so. To make it even easier, Facebook has a “like” button, so in one simple click you can acknowledge your fan without typing anything. When you respond, it is bound to make them talk more about your business and fabulous products.
5.Have You Used Facebook Questions?
Similar to LinkedIn, Facebook launched “questions” to enable fans, and the entire Facebook community, to ask and answer questions. Business owners should be using this tool consistently. This will establish you as a trusted and knowledgeable leader in your area of expertise and niche. It will also help your Fan page to gain exposure, as it’s the only way to reach those who aren’t your fans at the moment.
6.How’s your Graphics?
When you upload images to your Facebook account, it automatically resizes it. However, there are times our images aren’t in the correct dimension, which can lead to a distorted, pixilated or chopped-off logo. Make sure your logo, thumbnail and profile pictures are in the right proportion as this will make things look much more professional.
Quick Tip: Facebook profile pictures should be 200 PX wide with a 12 pixel border.
7.Your Website isn’t connected?
You really need to advertise your Facebook account on your website. There are widgets, codes and other means to get this done so it looks simple and professional. Facebook offers their own “Facebook like box” that can be displayed anywhere on your website. It’s a small box that lets people know you’re there.
8.No Personality?
Facebook is supposed to be a fun place! You really don’t want to have a stiff or corporate persona, as it really isn’t the correct approach to Facebook. You want to be friendly, open and fun. The last thing you want to do is just be a “sales pitch.” It’s very easy to be professional, yet casual and friendly at the same time. Take a look at Skittles and Starbucks Fan Pages and see if you can get some ideas, as they certainly do it with style.
Since social media is a constant interaction, incorporating these tips should help you to interact with style and professionalism with your Facebook Fan page.
Furthermore, if you need any assistance, be sure to contact Dawn with BeSocialWorldWide for fantastic help on managing your social networking sites.