5 Ways to Track Your YouTube Video Performance : Social Media Virtual Assistant – Be Social Worldwide

5 Ways to Track Your YouTube Video Performance

Filed Under Social Marketing


When you start using YouTube as a part of your marketing strategy, then you need to be able to measure how effective your videos are for business. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your videos will help you figure out what is working, what isn’t, and what you can do to improve the others.

You can use the YouTube Analytics tool to track the performance of your videos. This makes it easy for you to look at key metrics that are important for learning how effective each video is that you post on your channel.

Here are the five things that you can track with your YouTube videos in order to monitor their performance:

Track number of views

The number of views your video gets is the most basic metric that all marketers look at first. This shows you how many people view your video in a certain time period. You will also be able to break that number down into demographics, such as age, gender and location.

Your own goals will help determine the magic number of how many views equal success. Not every business needs thousands of views. You might be able to see 100 views from your targeted audience and that would be impressive. Set realistic expectations for your goals and judge video performance accordingly.

Track the sources of your traffic

If you know where most of your viewers are finding your videos, that makes it a lot easier for you to promote them. Maybe they clicked on your video from a link on a blog or your website or even from another YouTube video.

If many of your viewers found your video through a search, you can research to see which keywords are the most likely to help people find your videos and include them in your video descriptions.

This also helps you figure out what might be keeping people from watching your videos. When you don’t see a lot of people finding your videos from a search, then maybe it’s time to revisit the keywords you are using and try to research new ones to try and reach more people.

Track viewer engagement

You don’t want people to just watch your videos. You want them to take some kind of action, too. You want to see that they are liking it, sharing it, and talking about it. Track how many people are subscribing to your YouTube channel, how many likes or dislikes each video gets, see if any videos have been added to viewers’ favorites lists. Did people leave any comments? Was it shared to Facebook, Google+ or Twitter? If you see higher levels of engagement with your videos, it means that you are really connecting with your audience.

Track your audience retention

Very often, viewers will stop watching a video within a few seconds of hitting Play. You want to create videos that hold their attention through to the end. People want to be convinced to watch within the first few seconds. Otherwise, they tune out and switch to the next one on the list.

You can check how long a viewer watches second-by-second, letting you pinpoint where people might be losing interest. This helps you know what areas need improvement and what is keeping them tuned in.

Track your conversion numbers

This is where you won’t get help from YouTube analytics. You need to track the number of conversions from your own website. Figure out how many people click through to your website from your YouTube video. How many people signed up for your newsletter or email list? Who bought your product or downloaded your free eBook?

You can decide which videos are bringing in the most sales/followers/subscribers and focus more attention on creating videos that follow the same formula that has been bringing you results.

YouTube is still a powerful marketing tool. Knowing how to track your results is the key to making sure you are being successful. Are you using YouTube to market your business?


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