Difference Between a Facebook Fan Page and a Facebook Group

Tweet Facebook has many awesome features, yet some of them can be a bit confusing.  Fan pages versus groups for instance, really what is the difference, and how should they be properly used?  Let’s explore the possibilities. You can truly utilize both to your advantage. A Facebook fan page is publically visible and searchable, therefore […]

What is a DoFollow site?

Tweet DoFollow, it is a confusing term, therefore many do not understand what it means to be a dofollow site.  As a website owner you have the ability to decide if you will code your site to be a dofollow site or not to be a dofollow site.  If you allow dofollow on your site, […]

Organize Your Friends on Facebook

Tweet Just recently I realized that you could organize your friends on Facebook, making it much easier to keep up with all of the people I have “friended”.  Creating separate friends lists for “close friends”, “colleagues”, “friends in business”, and others is a great way to keep Facebook easier to use and enjoy. To create […]

Let Us Work for You, So You Can “Be Social”

Tweet Be Social Worldwide provides virtual assistant services in the following areas: Micro-blogging Squidoo lenses Hub Pages ELearning Social Bookmarking Blogging Social Networking Video Networking Article Marketing We realize that all of these things, though very useful and positive for your business can be time consuming, to not only set up but to also maintain.  […]

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  • Dawn Pigoni, IVAA Member