Socialize Your Pet Online? : Social Media Virtual Assistant – Be Social Worldwide

Socialize Your Pet Online?

Filed Under social media

We may have thought that they had thought of everything online.  But, maybe think again.  There is now a site for socializing your pet online.’s purpose is to socialize your pet online.  I have even heard there are pets with Twitter accounts. 

Are we taking social media too far?  Seems to me like socializing pets online has little purpose, but I may be in the minority with my opinion.  While I may like to chat with those who have a dog of the same breed as mine and to find ways to “rescue” dogs of that breed if needed, I don’t think I’ll be signing up my pet for Twitter anytime soon.

However’s Create a Memorial program is a nice way to remember your pet if you have lost one recently.  Check it out today!


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