Utilizing Social Proof

Tweet Have you ever thought about the way that social proof effects your business?  Social proof is really all about “influence”.  In today’s social networking  / social media loving society influence is alive and well.  We are all influenced by the crowd we “hang out” with even if this is done virtually.  Think of it […]

Build Those Relationships

Tweet How do you build trust with others? You get to know them and find out what they are all about. It is easier to do that face to face, yes, but it can also be accomplished in cyberspace if you are willing to work at it. But, why do any of that anyway? Building […]

Offer Coupons to Increase Your Traffic for Free

Tweet In today’s economy, people are always looking for businesses who give them a break on prices. There are ways to give customers and potential customers a helping hand on your website without putting yourself in the poor house. One such way is to offer coupons. We shop at the grocery store with coupons. Retail […]

You’ve Sent the Traffic, Now What?

Tweet As online business owners we spend a lot of time “generating traffic” to our websites. We hang out on Twitter, we post links on Facebook, we network, we article market. We do a variety of things to get that traffic going to our website, but are you asking your website visitors to do anything […]

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  • Dawn Pigoni, IVAA Member