Social Media and Niche Marketing

Tweet While using social media can be a huge melting pot of things, it can also be a great way to target your “niche” market.  Your niche is your very specific group of people that you are targeting with your business.  An example of a niche is “stay at home moms looking for ways to […]

Moms and Social Media

Tweet Social media is widely popular, among everyone, but it is proving to be extremely popular among moms.  Women today are using social media in huge numbers.  This could be due to a number of reasons, but no matter what reasons there are one thing is for sure.  If you are in business and you […]

Monitoring Your Social Media Use

Tweet If you’re in business today, especially online then most likely you use one or more social media tools in your everyday business as a means by which to market your business, network with others, or for other similar reasons. Using social media tools is a great way to do all of these things, however […]

Why You Should Use Social Media to Promote Your Business

Tweet Social Media, it is all the buzz, it is what it’s all about.  Yes, social media is taking the Internet by storm and is most definitely the hottest thing to be involved in today, and as a small business owner it is something you will definitely want to become involved with and begin using […]

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