Why Friendfeed?
Filed Under networking
Friendfeed is a social media aggregator. Which means that it basically takes all of the things that you do using social media, such as Twitter, Facebook and others and aggregates it to one place, basically allowing you to see what your friends are doing on all of these social media sites in one centralized location, on your “friendfeed”. It allows you to monitor your existing social network effectively, all at one time.
Photo Credit: Cambodiaforkidsorg
It is a great way to see everything that those in your circle of influence are doing, finding out what they are into and what they find interesting, what articles they have added to their delicious account, items that they have stumbled recently, or videos that they have watched on YouTube. If you happen to be following many of the people who are those you consider to be in your “target market” you could do quite a bit of market research simply by following your “friendfeed”. This is a concept that could be quite useful for those in business.
The main benefits in using Friendfeed are like those I have already mentioned. It gives you a place to centralize your networking, it allows you to expand your reach to others whom you find through your already existing friends on your feed, and it gives you a way to do research that is specific to those in your “target market’ or your “circle of influence”. All of these things can be quite beneficial, so there really isn’t anything bad about that idea.