Water Cooler is alive and well online
Filed Under microblogging
Working from home is wonderful for allowing time to send with family, cut down on daycare costs, and reduce the stress of the daily commute and punching a time clock. But do you miss the “water cooler” talk? That social interaction with other adults, especially those of us who are working at home and hanging out with kids all day.
We all know the new buzz work “Social Networking”, but what is it to you? It is many a great places to promote your business, make business contacts, encourage visits to your blog, website or offer. Along the way you will also find yourself having that “water cooler” talk that is missing from your home office.
I am not here to do a review of the various social networking sites, but would like to point out some useful tips for both business and personal social networking. The social networking sites run gammet, what you want to look for are one that appeal to you and your online venture that contains socialization on a business and personal level.
We will use twitter an example: Twitter is a meeting place where you can tweet about your lastest work, project, blog, website, sales, promotions for your business and in the next tweet talk about picking up our child from school. You become to know those who you are following and begin to use those resources first when looking for assistance, partners or providers.
In case you haven’t heard this before, don’t spend all day just promoting your online venture, the purpose here is to be personable, just as you would network in the offline world. Find that commonality with your followers, customers, friends, clients. Yes you are trying to promote your business, but you are going to do this by giving your business a personal feel to it. One on One hands on, were right there with you kind of feel. While your at it promote a friend or two along to the way, it will come back two fold before too long.
Keep up with your contacts, no that doesn’t mean spending all day within your social networks, but send regular updates, seek out and accept friends, and be who you are.This will give your business a boost in the upwards direction.