Using Your Social Networks to Benefit Your Blog : Social Media Virtual Assistant – Be Social Worldwide

Using Your Social Networks to Benefit Your Blog

Filed Under social media

The social networks that you are involved in can provide a world of information for you that can be valuable to you to use on your blog.  You can use the following things to help benefit your blog and help you to provide the content on your blog that others are looking for, these things include:

1.  Ask questions or do a poll of your social networks when you’re trying to write about a particular topic. Nothing says, real time results better than taking a Twitter poll to see what people are thinking at that very moment about the topic you’re trying to blog about, it really is the perfect way to put your finger on the pulse of your following.

2. Search the social networks for the topics you are writing about, not only can you take a quick poll but you can also use Twitter search or other search tools available within your social networks to find out what others have been saying about the topic lately.  Yet another way to get “real time” results.

3.  Using search to garner information on a topic. You never know what other experts are saying about a topic and sometimes no matter what we know, there is someone who knows more and we can learn from them.

4.  Promoting your blog via social media. Social media is the hottest way to promote just about anything these days. Be sure that all your social media profiles link to your blog and even share specific posts from your blog via Twitter, your Facebook page and more.

Photo credit: Scyza


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