Top 5 Twitter Tips
Filed Under microblogging
Twitter is the hottest thing online. A micro-blogging application which allows you follow and be followed, where you send 140 character “tweets” to your followers and the “Twitterverse”. Twitter can be used for both business and personal uses and can be a powerful tool for both.
So, here are our Top 5 Twitter Tips to help you make the most of Twitter, no matter how you decide to use it.
1. Tweet well and Tweet often. No matter what you will want to be interesting and you will want to stay in touch using Twitter. Don’t be a person who only pops in once in a awhile, with Twitter it is necessary to be actively involved.
2. Look for likeminded people to follow. You can do this by doing a Twitter search for any topic or characteristic you can think of, if you’re a VA wanting to follow other VAs, do a search, if you’re from the South and want to follow other Southerners, do a quick search. It is that easy.
3. Use Twitter applications. You may need help in keeping up, so finding and using a great Twitter application such as TwitterFox (for Firefox users), Tweetdeck, or Twirl can be an advantage for you and can help you keep it all together.
4. Use it to your advantage. You can use Twitter for marketing and promoting, but it should be done wisely. Do not JUST use it to market or you’ll be found out and may loose followers, sprinkling in your marketing tweets between your valuable conversation can work though and to your advantage.
5. Use the Reply and DM features. These features are their for your use and should be used wisely. Need to let someone know you agree reply to them specifically. Need to tell someone something private but don’t know their other contact info, send them a DM. (Only drawback is if someone is NOT following you, you cannot DM them but you can @ or Reply to them and ask them to give you a follow so you can.)
Photo Credit: 7son75