Tips for Balancing Facebook and Twitter
Filed Under Social Marketing, social media
Social networking is an important part of your business. It’s a good way to grow and meet new people. These people could become customers or they could be other business owners that could help you grow.
Two of the most popular social networking sites would be Facebook and Twitter. These two sites are also the top two that should be used by all business owners. They can be very valuable in your exposure and growth.
Balancing these sites can be a challenge, but it’s necessary in order for you to see success. If you don’t find a balance or a happy medium you could be losing customers or you may not find that person that has the ability to help you do something important for your business.
There are a number of things you can do to help you find the balance between Facebook and Twitter. You may find some will work for you while others may not, but the most important thing you need to do is find what works for you and then stick to it.
One way that works well for balancing Facebook and Twitter is to outsource the task to a Virtual Assistant. You can have your VA write posts for you to either post yourself or have her post. This will save you valuable time when you’re online. You’ll be able to post your own stuff, but this will help you make your time more efficient.
Another option that will help you find balance is to schedule your Facebook and Twitter posts. You can use Hootsuite, Social Oomph, or TweetDeck to schedule these posts. These posts can be anything from the posts your VA wrote to quotes or Retweets to general posts. This will help you spend time working your business and you’ll have a happy balance between Facebook and Twitter.
Facebook and Twitter are valuable tools to use in your business. They are the best way to grow your business in ways you never thought would be possible. When you use the two tips above you’ll know how and what it takes to find balance with Facebook and Twitter.