Time to Network – Promote You and Your Lens : Social Media Virtual Assistant – Be Social Worldwide

Time to Network – Promote You and Your Lens

Filed Under networking

Networking time! If people get to know you, they’re more likely to visit and read your lens.

1. Stop by Community forums and add a link to your signature. Make sure the link you are adding is relevant to the community you are participating in.

2. Put links to your lens, website, or blog in your email signature and crosslink on your webpages or blogs you have.

3. Add your lens to Squidoo groups that fit your topic. Click the “My Groups” tab on your dashboard and “Join a group” to start searching, or search for other lenses on your topic and check out the groups they belong to (listed in the sidebar). You have to wait until your lens has a green checkmark.

4. Browse SquidU’s Tricks of the Trade forum for suggestions by Squidoo members. You can lean a ton of stuff there, particularly from the “Crash Course in Squidoo” thread at the top of the forum.

5. Check out winning lenses on Lens of the Day for ideas and submit yours once you’ve made one of similar quality.

6. Leave comments or reviews on other people’s lenses, and they’re more likely to follow the comment back to your profile! But be genuine, and take the time to actually review their work.

7. Find webpages on your topic with a “Links” page and request a link. Again, people hate spam, so make sure your content really IS something they’ll want to link to.

8. Update your lenses! Webpages with regular updates and new content attract search engine — and reader attention. And now you can send out Squidcasts from your Dashboard letting your fans know when you’ve made changes.

9. Build a presence on social networking sites. Fill out your profiles, including a links to your work. Post interesting and personable content.

10. Join and add your lens to de.licio.us, StumbleUpon ,** Digg, and other social bookmarking sites (slightly different from networking — bookmarking sites are for recommending good websites rather than socializing online.) Don’t stumble too much of your own stuff at one time – space it out and take your time.


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  • Dawn Pigoni, IVAA Member