Social Networks = An Ad in the Local Paper
Filed Under networking, social media
Using social networking is like putting an ad in the local paper, yet it is so much more than that. Social networking literally broadcasts your message to the masses. Not just local, if you have local followers but global if you have followers from other countries.
Social networking unlike the local ad in the paper though has other benefits as well. You can build relationships, start conversations and help to solve people’s problems. You have a life link right to your potential client or customer and can receive instant feedback or instant information about what it is that they need or what problem that they are looking to solve so that you can as a result “solve it” or provide the answer to their need.
Since social networking is a two way street it can be much more fun and more effective even than putting an ad in the local paper. You should definitely give it a try. What social networking sites are you involved in currently?