How to Use Facebook Offers for Your Business
Filed Under Social Marketing
Facebook Offers is an excellent tool that you can use to promote your business through social media. Offers let your business deliver a great deal each day into your fans’ News Feeds. These types of deals are similar to a Groupon or LivingSocial offer without having to go through an outside website.
Facebook Offers can easily spread virally from one fan to another. Users can share the offer directly with their own friends and family when they click on the offer. If they choose to claim the offer, a post will automatically go into their timeline about the offer too.
Setting up a Facebook Offer is quick and simple. Let’s go through the process from start to finish:
1. Open your Facebook Page. On the top left side of your timeline, you will see “Status,” “Photo/Video,” and “Offer/Event+.” Click on “Offer/Event.”
2. Select “Offer.” Once you click on “Offer/Event,” a dialogue box opens up listing “Offer,” “Event,” “Milestone” and “Question.” Choose “Offer.”
3. Start your offer. After you choose “Offer,” a new dialogue box opens. This is where you prepare your offer to be posted.
Put Together Your Offer
You will upload an image to be used in your offer. This should be a simple picture of the product being offered. If you are offering a service, try to use an image that reflects that. For example, if you are providing a free week of lawn care you might choose to use a picture of a man mowing.
Next, come up with an attention-grabbing headline. You want this to be your call-to-action that gets users to click on and claim your offer. For example: “Free lawn mowing for the first 25 Burleson residents!”
You will then need to select the number of offers you will allow. You don’t want to leave this open and discover that you don’t have enough supply to meet demand. You can choose to make this number large or small. Having a smaller number will give users a sense of urgency in order to claim the offer before it runs out.
Set the Expiration Date for your offer. You can set it to expire at any date, whether it’s one day or one month.
Set your Terms & Conditions. Make this fit your business. It can be one offer per person, per visit, per group, etc.
Post Your Offer
Now that you have set all of the requirements for your Offer, you are ready to post. Simply review the Offer and click “Post.” This will add your offer to your timeline. Users will be able to see it in their News Feed.
Users Redeem Offer
If your fans want to redeem your offer, they just have to click “Get Offer.” A dialogue box will pop up stating that a message was sent to their email address (registered with Facebook). They can then print the offer or bring their smartphone into your location to show the message in order to redeem.
Promote Your Offer
Once you have your offer set up, start promoting it! Post about it on Facebook. Notify your newsletter subscribers. Share it with customers in your shop or restaurant.
Though Facebook Offers have been around since February, they have not been widely embraced by businesses just yet. This is an opportunity for any business to snag more customers easily and will soon catch fire.
Have you started using Facebook Offers for your business? What are some ideas for daily deals for your business? Share with us!