Dawn’s View: Who Do You Turn To? : Social Media Virtual Assistant – Be Social Worldwide

Dawn’s View: Who Do You Turn To?

Filed Under BeSocialWorld

When you need something fixed you likely turn to someone who specializes in fixing that particular thing.  For example, your car overheats you take it to the shop for a mechanic to check it out.  You get sick you go to the doctor.  So, when you need assistance online where do you turn? 

In the area of social media, a great place to turn for help with social media is a social media virtual assistant.  This is the type of help we offer.  When it comes to social media you want to find someone who knows what they are doing, after all you wouldn’t take your sick kid to the mechanic now would you?  From setting up a Facebook fan page to helping you manage your Twitter account, we can help.  Find out more information here.


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  • Dawn Pigoni, IVAA Member