Dawn’s View: Twitter RT’s
Filed Under social media
I read a post about RT’s “The Twitter Controversy Over Thanking for RTs” and had to comment on it.
I find this a very interesting topic and even commented on this post. My thought is it really is different for everyone and sometimes the day of the week or how many RT’s you get in one day. I believe it comes down to you and your current network of followers. I tend to send a Thanks or find a post to RT of the RT’er, and sometimes I just let it go. (Be careful with the Thanks, I have gotten complaints about grouping the names in a RT thanks)
Everything you do on Twitter can get critiqued. I have heard of people getting complaints about too many tweets is 1 per hour really too much? Not for my network – How many promotion tweets can you do in a day? How many RT’s is appropriate in a day (I follow someone who is huge on Twitter and all his posts are RT’s or conversations coming from RT’s) is that too much, not for him.
So at the end of the day, do what feels natural for you, that’s what it’s all about anyways.
Photo credit: JadeGordon