Dawn’s View: Do I Do It ALL?
Filed Under BeSocialWorld
Even as a social media virtual assistant I don’t always do as I am suppose to do. For instance, I haven’t tackled the social media aspect of videos. This is the year that I take on YouTube and start making some video’s. Why? –
Because videos are just another piece of the social media puzzle. Another way to make my footprint in this social media world. The benefits of videos include:
Being seen. A video is unlike a blog post or an article and in many cases they can be “better”. Your audience can now see you, connect with you, and feel as if they know you all by watching you, listening to you and picking up on your passions through your body language and range of emotions.
Traffic. YouTube gets a phenomenal number of hits every day, this sends traffic your way if you consistently post videos on YouTube. Bring on the traffic.
People Know You. As a result of seeing your face on video and hearing your voice people begin to feel that they know you, plus they are more likely recognize you when you attend offline social networking events.
Need some help creating videos or distributing them. We can help! Click here for details.