Benefits of Using as a Link Shortener : Social Media Virtual Assistant – Be Social Worldwide

Benefits of Using as a Link Shortener

Filed Under BeSocialWorld

If you share links a lot, you probably run into the need for shortening the link.  Especially if you’re a Twitter user, this need comes up frequently.  While there are quite a few link shorteners out there, which is celebrating its birthday is a great choice with several benefits.

These benefits include:

  • The ability to 301 redirect.
  • Tracking.
  • Supported by Tweetdeck, Twirl and Twitterfeed.
  • Displays 14 characters.

The 301 redirect is the especially complicated, but important benefit.  I found more information on this at,  this is how they explained the 301 redirect,

A 301 redirect says that the URL requested (the short URL) has “permanently” moved to the long address. Since it’s a permanent redirect, search engines finding links to the short URLs will credit all those links to the long URL (see the SEO: Redirects & Moving Sites section of the Search Engine Land members library for more about redirection).

In contrast, a 302 redirect is a “temporary” one. If that’s issued, search engines assume that the short URL is the “real” URL and just temporarily being pointed elsewhere. That means link credit does not get passed on to the long URL.

In short, if you’re hoping that links you tweet will generate link credit for your web site, you want a service that issues a 301 redirect. Also keep in mind that while 301s might be issued today, a shortening service could shift to 302 directs at any time (and if they do, I hope scorn gets poured upon them).

Pretty significant huh? These are some valid reasons why you might want to give a try the next time you need to shorten a URL. By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! Congrats!!!!


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