Be Social With Presentations : Social Media Virtual Assistant – Be Social Worldwide

Be Social With Presentations

Filed Under BeSocialWorld

In a world of technology we often forget about the fact that we can go do things in person these days, instead of send a text, pick up the phone and call or go to see a prospective client in person, and instead of a webinar or teleseminar why not do a live event?

Getting out there and sharing your expertise is what’s important, doing this live is even more powerful in some cases than doing a teleseminar or webinar so I encourage you to try it. Take your skills, knowledge and expertise offline and find local groups and organizations with which to share your knowledge with in person, through presentations.

Your local Chamber of Commerce is a great place to start finding a place to speak. Pretty soon you’ll be comfortable with speaking and will find yourself enjoying it and probably picking up a few clients as a result.


  • Learn how to be Social without Socializing

    Learn how Be Social Worldwide can help you be social without spending all day online. Download our information packet and subscribe to Be Social News

    We will also give you the information you need to know about the social networks in this Social Networking Report.


    We will never share or sell your contact information and will only use it to communicate with you about socializing online

  • Dawn Pigoni, IVAA Member